- Layout for this exercise:
- Layout for this exercise:

- Connecting Santoku to Nexus 5:

- To illustrate the exercises of this post, it will be used the InsecureBank application, written by Dinesh Shetty.
- InsecureBank is an intentionally vulnerable application used to gain training on different Android platform attacks.
- In this exercise we'll see insecure logging and how to hook the application on the go with the tool AndBug.

- Installing the application from Santoku to Nexus 5, using ADB:

- InsecureBank.apk works in a client/server model, so the server runs at Santoku on port 8888 and the client on the mobile device.
- Starting the server on Santoku with the script app.py, located inside the folder AndroLabServer:

- Starting the application at the mobile device:

- Configuring the preferences:

- Serveip is Santoku's IP:

- Listening port for the server is 8080:

- Once the applications is running, let's detect its PID:

- Logging the application with ADB logcat:

- Introducing the default credentials and signing in:
username: dinesh
password: dines@123$

- logcat informs immediately about the login trial:

- Then, performing a transaction of 1 million dollar from Account 1111 to Account 2222:

- Again, the logging debugger logcat informs immediately about the trasaction:

- Hooking an application is a very useful technique to analyze and understand on the go how applications work.
- AndBug is a wrapper around the JavaTM Debug Wire Protocol (JDWP), what is the protocol used for communication between a debugger and the Java virtual machine (VM) which it debugs, called the target VM.
- AndBug allows to analyze the methods and the passed arguments while the applications is being run, by setting trace and hookup points on those methods.
- AndBug can be found here:

- Once AndBug downloaded and installed on Linux Santoku:

- Installing the setup.py file:

- Looking up for the PID of the application insecurebank.apk:

- Using the command andbug over the PID, and loading the classes for the package of the application:

- Checking what are the methods used by the .RestClient class:

- Setting up a hook for the .dotransfer method:

- Performing a transaction with the mobile application:

- When the .dotransfer method is called and the arguments passed to the application, AndBug displays remotely all the details about the transaction: