Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Microsoft Azure IoT plaftorm (1): deploying an IoT Hub


- Layout for this exercise:

- The first step to connect a Raspberry Pi device to the Microsoft Azure IoT platform is to create an Azure account. Free and temporary accounts are available here:

- Once entered parameters like name, phone number, password, etc ... , access to the Azure portal is immediate:

- The Dashboard is displayed for managing all the options provided by Microsoft Azure:

- Azure IoT Hub is a fully managed service that enables reliable and secure bi-directional communications between Internet of Things (IoT) devices and a solution back end. 

- One of the biggest challenges that IoT projects face is how to reliably and securely connect devices to the solution back end. 

- To address this challenge, Azure IoT Hub:

a) offers reliable device-to-cloud and cloud-to-device hyper-scale messaging.

b) enables secure communications using per-device security credentials and access control.

c) includes device libraries for the most popular languages and platforms.

- To create an IoT hub, click New -> Internet of Things -> IoT Hub:

- Entering a name, in this case WhitelistAzure:

- Type of service, in this case the free one:

- Naming a group (WhitelistAzureGroup1) and location (West Central US):

- Pinning to the dashboard:

- The deployment starts and after a few minutes the new WhitelistAzure IoT Hub is successfully created:

- The essential information about the newly created IoT hub:

- Clicking Shared access policies:

- As a result of the deployment of the IoT Hub several cryptographic keys have been created:

- It is very important to copy this information and write down all the keys in a secure document for further usage in future steps: