Tuesday, February 27, 2018
Veil Framework (I): Installation and Setup
ANTIVIRUS EVASION / Veil Framework (I): Installation and setup
- Layout for this exercise:
1 - Introduction to Veil Framework
- The Veil Framework is a collection of security tools that implement various attack methods focused on evading antivirus detection.
- The most recent version at this moment (Veil 3.1.4) is composed of these tools:
a) Evasion generates payload executables that bypass common antivirus solutions.
b) Ordnance quickly generates Metasploit stager shellcode.
2 - Installing Veil Framework
- In this exercise we are using a Kali Linux distribution.
- In case git is not installed:
- From Veil github, copying to the clipboard:
- Cloning:
- A new directory Veil is created:
- Setting up the framework:
3 - Browsing Veil Framework options
- Launching the program:
- Veil provides some commands. For instance the command list displays the two available tools, Evasion and Ordnance:
4 - Evasion
- Choosing Evasion:
- Listing the 41 Evasion payloads:
......................... etc ............................................................
5 - Ordnance
- Choosing Ordnance:
- Listing Ordnance payloads:
- Listing Ordnance encoder (XOR):