- Layout for this exercise:

- The goal of this exercise is to illustrate how to implement a self-signed TLS/SSL certificate for an Apache Server in Ubuntu 1.04.
- TLS (Transport Layer Security) and SSL (Secure Socket Layer) are cryptographic protocols used by web protocol HTTPS (HTTP Secure). Both provide two main security services:
i) protection by encrypting the communication between client and server, so that traffic can be sent safely without being intercepted by third parties, out of the client and server.
ii) authentication of the server against the client (also, it is optional to enforce mutual authentication between client and server), so that the identity of the website is verified.
- For more information about HTTPS, TLS and SSL:
- The usual way of setting HTTPS on a website is to acquire a certificate from a trusted Certificate Authority (CA). However, for the purpose of experimenting on future exercises, it is very interesting to practice the installation of a self-signed certificate, where the Authority is the server itself:
- TLS/SSL uses Public Key cryptography, or asymmetric cryptography, what combines a pair of different keys:
a) public key, available widely for anybody.
b) private key, stored at the server and known only by the owner.
- A digital certificate is an electronic document used to prove the ownership of a public key. A certificate provides information about the public key, the identity of the owner, the authority or issuer who backs the validity of the certification, expiration date, etc ...
- The first step to install a self-signed certificate for an Apache server is to create it using the command openssl:

- Parameters and options used in the command:
req -x509 = X.509 is the standard format for public key certificates, forcing to be self-signed instead of being requested to a Certificate Authority
-nodes = no using a passphrase
-days 365 = one year before expiration
-newkey rsa:2048 = RSA is the algorithm to be used, and 2048 bits is the key length
-keyout /etc/ssl/private/apache-selfsigned.key = location of the private key
-out /etc/ssl/certs/apache-selfsigned.crt = location of the certificate
- The server prompts with some questions about names, domains, email address of the administrator, etc ...:

- As mentioned before the private key ( is kept secret on the server, and it is used to encrypt content sent by the server to the clients.

- The certificate (apache-selfsigned.crt) is publicly shared with users or clients that request content to the web server, and it is used to decrypt content sent by the server:

- Modifying some files at the Apache server, starting with ssl-params.conf:

- Also, modifying the default SSL Virtual Host File default-ssl.conf:

- Finally, modifying (this is optional) the unencrypted Virtual Host file 000-default.conf to automatically redirect HTTP requests to HTTPS:

- Enabling the SSL module:

- Enabling the SSL Virtual Host:

- Enabling ssl-params.conf:

- Testing that the syntax is correct after all the modifications at the Apache server files:

- Restarting the server:

- Now, when the client Kali tries to access the website, provided by the server Ubuntu, HTTPS must be used instead of HTTP (although HTTP would be automatically redirected to HTTPS according to that specific configuration at the previous chapter).
- Because the certificate is unknown for the browser, the user is warned about the insecurity of the connection:

- However, for experimentation at this exercise, the client/browser accepts the connection by clicking the Add Exception tab, and later confirming by clicking Confirm Security Exception:

- Now, the warning message disappears and the connection is established correctly:

- Checking that the Certificate has been added to the browser, after being accepted:

- Clicking the green lock, and asking for more information:

- Viewing the Certificate:

- As expected, the certificate contains all the information previously entered by the administrator of the server: