- Layout for this exercise:
- The goal of this exercise is to develop a hacking process for the vulnerable machine MERCY.
- MERCY can be found here:,263/
- Once downloaded and extracted with VirtualBox:
- Discovering MERCY's IP:
- Scanning with Nmap:
- Going deeper within port 8080 HTTP, it seems that Apache Tomcat/Coyote engine JSP 1.1 is being run:
- Dirbusting the web server at port 8080:
- So we have some interesting folders to explore, like robots.txt, /tryharder/tryharder and /manager.
- Connecting with the browser:
- Reading robots.txt:
- Checking folder /tryharder/tryharder we find a string encoded with Base64:
- Decoding:
- From the message we can write down that it might be a use with password password.
- Going to /manager:
- Also, port 445 is open, so why not enumerating with enum4linux taking advantage of the Samba server?
- So there are 4 Local Users: pleadformercy, qiu, thisisasuperduperlonguser, fluffy.
- Launching Hydra over the Samba server with the text file usernames and the wordlist rockyou.txt:
- Connecting to the Samba server with credentials qiu:password" (remembering the Base64 decoded string):
- Listing contents:
- Getting .bash_history:
- Goint to folder .private:
- Getting readme.txt:
- Going to secrets there is nothing inside:
- Going to folder opensesame and getting configprint and config:
- Reading .bash_history:
- Reading readme.txt:
- Reading configprint, there are a lot of references to config:
- Reading config we find information about filtered services HTTP at port 80 and SSH port 22:
- Actually both ports 22, 80 are filtered:
- Because several sequences are quoted we can imagine that knock command must be used to open filtered services, for instance HTTP port 80:
- Same thing for SSH port 22:
- Now, connection with the browser is available:
- Dirbusting port 80:
- Reading robots.txt we discover two additional folders: /mercy and /nomercy:
- Going to /mercy:
- Going to /nomercy the RIPS 0.53 application is running:
- Searching for RIPS exploits we find a Multiple LFI exploit:
- Reading 18660.txt:
- Applying the LFI to /etc/passwd:
- However it doesn't work with /etc/shadow:
- Remembering the existence of a tomcat-users.xml file:
- Extracting tomcat-users.xml:
- Last lines give unvaluable information about 2 users and correspondent usernames:
- Launching Metasploit:
- Using this exploit for Tomcat:
- Setting options and running the exploit we get a Meterpreter session:
- Spawning and improving a shell:
- Using credentials fluffy:freakishfluffybunny:
- Unfortunately fluffy is not a sudoer:
- Improving the shell for fluffy:
- Walking around into home folders and files until finding something useful:
- Finally it seems that timeclok could be interesting, because it is a root owned script:
- Creating an exploit with Msfvenom:
- Setting a Netcat listener:
- Appending the exploit to timeclock:
- After some minutes we've got a root shell:
- Reading proof.txt: