- Layout for this exercise:
- The goal of this exercise is to develop a hacking process for the vulnerable machine pWnOS 1.0
- pWnOS 1.0 can be downloaded from here:,33/
- Once downloaded pWnOS 1.0 and extracted with VMware:
- Discovering the IP of pWnOS 1.0:
- Scanning ports with Nmap:
- Launching Nikto against the web server at port 80:
- Going to folder /php, detected by nikto:
- Clicking phpMyAdmin:
- Now, launching dirb:
- Connecting to folder /index:
- Clicking Next:
- Clicking Please Help!:
- There are several ways of exploitation for this vulnerable machine. Let's study some of them:
3.1 - File Inclusion
Going back to index1.php when entering false instead of true there is a Warning message about function include():
- This leads to think about a possible File Inclusion vulnerability, what actually helps to achieve the file /etc/passwd:
3.2 - Webmin exploitation
- Going back to port 10000, according to Nmap's output Webmin is running with MiniServ 0.01:
- Looking for Webmin exploits:
- Copyng to the local working directory:
- Running without parameters:
- Getting /etc/passwd:
- Getting /etc/shadow:
3.3 - PRNG Brute Force SSH
- Same exploit than at 3.2 can be used again, in combination with these two other exploits (either Perl or Python):
- According to the instructions, first we must download the exploit and store it:
- Extracting, we find the precalculated SSH keys:
- Going ahead with the instructions (in our case we are using a Perl script, instead of Python):
- Using the script from point 3.2 with user obama (obviously same thing could be done with the rest of the users vmware, osama and yosama) to get the file authorized_keys:
- Scan the public key by grepping authorized_keys from obama user to folder /rsa/2048:
- The SSH key for user obama is found:
- SSH-ing for user obama, providing the key, we achieve a low privileged remote shell:
3.3 - File disclosure with Metasploit
- CVE-2006-3392 describes a vulnerability associated with Webmin:
- Metasploit is able to exploit the vulnerability CVE-2006-3392:
- Launching Metasploit and using exploit auxiliary/admin/webmin/file_disclosure:
- Setting option for RHOST:
- Setting option for /etc/passwd and running:
- Setting option for /etc/shadow and running:
3.4 - Path / Directory traversal attack
- Following instructions from the CVE-2006-3392 vulnerability description about using "..%01" sequences, we can also achieve /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow by launching a Path or Directory traversal attack:
- Path traversal attack for /etc/passwd:
- Path traversal attack for /etc/shadow:
- John The Ripper helps us to decrypt passwords by combining /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow:
- First, let's store /etc/passwd at file p and /etc/shadow at file s.
- Now, unshadow command takes p and s and outputs unshadowed file u:
- It is time for john to work over file u, applying the wordlist rockyou.txt.
- After some minutes we got the password for user wmware.
- SSH-ing with credentials vmware:h4ckm3 we get a low privilege remote shell:
- Unfortunately user vmware has no sudoer privilege:
- Let's follow to ways for Privilege Escalation.
5.1 - Webshell
- Copying to the local working folder a Perl reverse shell:
- Renaming to shell.cgi sot that it can be run as CGI script:
- Adapting to our needs shell.cgi:
- Transferring from Kali to pWnOS 1.0 (folder /tmp):
- Copying from /tmp to /home/vmware:
- Setting run permissions for shell.cgi:
- Setting a Netcat listener at Kali:
- Running shell.cgi:
- As a consequence we get a root privilege shell:
5.2 - Kernel exploit
- Another way of Privilege Escalation would be taking advantage of the outdated kernel version:
- Exploit Database holds exploits for Local Privilege Escalation about outdated Linux Kernel version, for instance this one would be valid because 2.6.17 < 2.6.22 <
- Downloading to working folder and naming vmsplice.c:
- Setting execution permissions:
- Transferring from Kali to pWnOS 1.0 (/tmp folder):
- Compiling:
- Running the exploit, it is successful: