
Tuesday, December 27, 2016

ANDROID PT / Reversing and Bypassing Authentication with d2j-dex2jar and jd-gui


- Layout for this exercise:

- Connecting Santoku to Nexus 5:


dex2jar decompiles the Dalvik bytecode (dex) into readable Java source. The resulting source is useful to read and understand the functionality of an app. However, it is important to notice that the code cannot be modified and repackaged with dex2jar.


- The Java Decompiler project (JD) aims to develop tools in order to decompile and analyze Java 5 byte code and the later versions.

- JD-Core is a library that reconstructs Java source code from one or more .class files. JD-Core may be used to recover lost source code and explore the source of Java runtime libraries. New features of Java 5, such as annotations, generics or type “enum”, are supported. JD-GUI and JD-Eclipse include JD-Core library.

- JD-GUI is a standalone graphical utility that displays Java source codes of .class files. The reconstructed source code can be browsed with the JD-GUI for instant access to methods and fields.

- JD-Eclipse is a plug-in for the Eclipse platform. It allows to display all the Java sources during the debugging process, even if not having them all.

- JD-Core, JD-GUI & JD-Eclipse are open source projects released under the GPLv3 License.


- To illustrate the usage of d2j-dex2jar and jd-gui the application ListLock is downloaded from this link:

- Once downloaded all the content, let's unzip:

- Going to the ListLock APK folder, there is the .apk file com.gdssecurity.listlock.apk:

- Installing the application to the mobile device:

- Clicking the icon:

- The user is prompted to enter a password. Using a bad password, the list keeps on being locked:

 - Let's reverse the application with d2j-dex2jar:

-  A new .jar file is created:

- Opening the .jar file with jd-gui:

- Going to the classes, there is an Authenticate.class that includes the method validatePassword. This method compares the saved password (PasswordStore.class) and the password entered by the user. In case of matching (equals) the list is unlocked:

- However, PasswordStore.class hardcodes the password to be compared, what is a common vulnerability in many applications:

- Using the hardcoded password (C@ntSeeMyList!) the list is successfully unlocked:

Monday, December 26, 2016

ANDROID PT - Introspy for Android


- Layout for this exercise:

- Connecting Santoku to Nexus 5:


- Introspy-Android is a tool very useful to help understand what an Android application is doing at runtime and assist in the identification of potential security issues.

- It comprises two separate components: a GUI interface to configure hooks, filters and options and a Cydia Substrate extension containing the core of the tool functionalities, including hooks and analysis of potential issues.

- Introspy-Android can be installed on a rooted device and dynamically configured to hook security-sensitive Android API's at run-time. 

- The tool records all the relevant API calls made by an application, including function calls, arguments and return values. It then performs tests for security issues in real time and persists the results in a database and in the Android logging system.

- The Introspy-Analyzer can then be used to analyze a database generated by the tracer, and generate HTML reports containing the list of logged function calls as well as a list of potential vulnerabilities affecting the application.

- All components of Introspy can be downloaded from here:

- The installation of Introspy Android comprises of three steps.


- The first step is to install SuperSu on the mobile device:

- SuperSU allows advanced management of Superuser access rights for all the apps on a mobile device that need root privileges.

- Installing SuperSU with ADB:

- Clicking Continue to update SuperSU:

- Normal option:

- Allowing access to privileges:

- After the installation, a reboot of the mobile device is advised:


- The second step consists of installing Cydia Substrate, what can be downloaded from here:

-Cydia Substrate is a package manager mobile application that enables a user to find and install software packages on Android devices (of course, also in iOS):

- Installing Cydia Substrate with ADB:

- Clicking the icon for Substrate:

- Linking files and granting superuser permissions to Cydia Substrate:

- Restarting the system (soft):

- Now, SuperSU has Cydia Substrate as a linked application:


- Introspy has got two applications (Core and Configure) that must be installed separately. Core consists of the API hooking code, whereas Config allows the user to select the application to be analyzed:

- Installing Introspy-Core (no icon):

- Installing Introspy-Config:

- Clicking the Introspy-Config icon:

- Granting full access to Introspy-Config:


- In this exercise we are going to analyze InsecureBank as example, so that option must be selected at the Config list:

- InsecureBank was also used at this exercise.

- Clicking the icon for InsecureBank:

- Running the InsecureBank server on Santoku ( and listening on port 8080:

- Starting the application:

- Entering the credentials for InsecureBank (dinesh / dinesh@123$):

- Transferring some money between two accounts:

- In the meanwhile we are using InsecureBank, Introspy is gathering information and creating some reports.

- To access the information created by Introspy a rawhistory.html file is created with ADB:

- Enabling logcat, the transfer is displayed:

- Now, Introspy has created a couple of databases at the mobile device, the first is called introspy.db:

- Pulling with ADB the database insecure.db from the mobile device to Santoku, with the purpose of being analyzed in an HTML format:

- The Python script (-p = platform Android, -o = output InsecureBank), located at the Analyzer folder, creates a file report.html from insecure.db:

- Going to the newly created folder InsecureBank, there is the report.html:

- Opening report.html with Firefox, a lot of information created by Introspy can be analyzed:

- For instance, going to some Shared Preferences, it can be checked what are the Server and Port used by the application InsecureBank:

- As seen along this exercise, Introspy helps to analyze the APIs called during the usage of the application, what can contribute to detect the vulnerabilities in an automated way.