
Sunday, October 15, 2017

Password wordlist generation with CRUNCH


- Layout for this exercise:

1 - Introduction

- A dictionary attack is based on trying all the strings in a pre-arranged list, typically derived from a wordlist such as in a dictionary.

- A password dictionary file or password wordlist is a text file containing a large number of potential passwords. 

- Password wordlists are used in combination with cracking tools that accept those password files and attempt to authenticate a service. 

- Linux includes by default a great number of wordlist files:

- However, an attacker could be interested in generating his own password wordlist based on different criteria like predefined character sets, number or characters, formats and patterns, ...

Key-space brute force is a technique to generate all possible combinations of characters and using them for password cracking. 

- For that purpose, crunch is a password wordlist generator that can be used for password dictionary attacks.

- Manual for crunch:

2 - Min-len, max-len and charset string

- In this first example crunch will generate a wordlist based on the following criteria:

i) minimum length = 3 characters
ii) maximun length = 4 characters
ii) charset = x9 (just two characters)

- The total number of strings is VR(2,3) + VR(2,4) = 2^3 + 2^4 = 24

- Output for crunch1.txt contains 24 lines, as expected:

3 - Increasing password complexity

- In comparison with the previous example, where the number of generated strings was small and easy to be cracked, let's create now a more complex wordlist.

- In this case the wordlist generator criteria is:

i) minimum length = 8 characters
ii) maximun length = 8 characters
ii) charset = 0123456789aeiouAEIOU (20 characters)

- The number of lines generated is huge VR(20,8) = 20^8 = 25600000000

- Let's notice that 214 GB of data is huge, making the task of brute forcing attack really difficult.

- The lesson is that the more complex to be the password, the less easy an attack to be successful.

4 - Using predefined charset lists

- Crunch allows to use a great number of predefined charsets. Some of them:

- For instance, let's take the symbols14 charset:

- Taking a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 4 characters, the number of generated strings is:

VR(14,2) + VR(14,3) VR(14,4) =  14^2 + 14^3 + 14^4 = 41356

5 - Specifying a password pattern

- The crunch option -t allows to specify a password pattern with lower and upper case characters, numbers and symbols:

- For instance, taking 8 characters in total, 2 of them for each of these groups:

,     ->  26 upper case characters: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ
@  ->  26 lower case alpha characters: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
%   -> 10 numeric characters: 0123456789
^     -> 33 special characters: `~!@#$%^&*()-_=+[]\{}|;':",./<>?

- An instance of this pattern would be ABab01@#

 The total number of generated strings is:

VR(26,2) + VR(26,2) VR(33,2) VR(10,2) =  26^2 + 26^2 + 33^2 + 10^2 = 49764686400 

- Some lines of the output illustrate the specified pattern:

6 - Combining  words to generate a password

- The crunch option -p allows to combine (without repetition) different words into a single password:

- For instance, combining the 3 words hello bye 123 generates 3! = 6 lines. Let's notice that to include two numbers (any) into the command (1 1) is necessary, though they are ignored:

File transfer post-exploitation with "non-interactive" FTP


- Layout for this exercise:

1 - Introduction

- The goal of this exercise is to develop a method to transfer files from an attacking Kali Linux machine to a remote exploited Windows 7 machine using the command line.

- The problem with using FTP in "interactive" mode from a remote command line is that the transfer gets stuck even though the connection is successfully established.

- However, using FTP in "non-interactive" mode skips that problem and allows  to transfer files to the exploited machine, what is essential in post-exploitation procedures.

2 - Setting up a FTP server at Kali Linux

- First of all, let's install and establish an FTP server at Kali Linux machine where the target Windows 7 will connect to download interesting files for post-exploitation purposes.

Pure-FTPd is a free BSD license FTP server with a strong focus on security:

- Installing the Pure-FTPd on Kali Linux:

- Writing a bash script to configure the FTP server in order to create a user whitelist and its corresponding groups, also a folder /ftphome, and finally restarting the service:

- Giving permissions to the bash script:

- Running the script:

- Now, let's check that the Pure-FTPd service is locally running at TCP port 21:

- Copying a windows binary file sbd.exe to /ftphome that will be later transferred to the target machine Windows 7:

3 - Exploiting the target Windows 7

- The target to be exploited runs the vulnerable BadBlue HTTP server at port TCP 80:

- Starting Metasploit:

- Using a BadBlue exploit:

- Setting the target IP:

- Running the exploit, finally a remote shell from Windows 7 is achieved locally at Kali Linux:

4- Post exploitation with "non-interactive" FTP

- Let's check that the "interactive" FTP mode does not work for transferring files.

- After connecting to the FTP server and entering username and password the process gets stuck, not being possible to perform any transferring task:

- So we can conclude that the normal way of using interactive FTP commands is not useful for transferring files when using a remote command line, usually achieved after exploitation of the target machine.

- However, there is a non interactive FTP way of perform file transfers, using the -s filename option for the ftp command:

- The ftp -s:filename option refers to a text file containing all the necessary commands to perform an FTP transfer file.

- Before checking how it works, let's create an specific directory /FTPtransfer where to transfer files from Kali Linux to the Windows 7 machine:

- Let's check that at this point /FTPtransfer is empty:

- As said before, the file to be transferred is the sbd.exe located at /ftphome:

- Now, using the echo command, let's create a text file ftp_commands.txt where to write all the FTP commands that will perform the transfer:

- Checking the contents of ftp_commands.txt:

- Now it's time to run the ftp command in "non-interactive" mode, just adding the -s:ftp_commands.txt option:

- Eventually the transfer is successful:

File transfers post-exploitation with TFTP


- Layout for this exercise:

1 - Introduction

- One of the most usual problems with post exploitation is the need of uploading files and tools to the target machine.

- For this purpose it is important to use non interactive methods as far as possible, because interactive programs standard outputs are not usually correctly redirected to the shell. 

- Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) is a simple non interactive protocol which allows a client to get a file from or put a file onto a remote host. 

- TFTP is a based on UDP and works at the port 69.

2 - Setting up TFTP at Windows 

-  TFTP is installed by default in Windows XP, but needs to be manually enabled on newer versions of Windows.

- For instance, in the case of Windows 10: Start -> Control Panel -> Programs -> Programs and Features -> Turn Windows features on or off -> TFTP Client:

- Also, the TFTP service can be installed in Windows from the command line, just typing:

3 - Setting TFTP at Kali Linux

- To enable TFTP with Kali Linux it is very convenient to use the Metasploit TFTP auxiliary server.

- Starting Metasploit:

- Using the corresponding module:

- Setting /root/tftp folder for holding upload/downloading contents:

- Running the module:

- Let's check that the tftp service is running at port UDP 69:

4 - Transferring files from Windows to Kali Linux

- There is a textfile.txt at Windows that we want to upload to the Kali Linux system:

- put command transfers textfile.txt from Windows to Linux:

- The transfer is successful:

5 - Transferring files from Kali Linux to Windows 

- Let's suppose that there is a nc.exe command that we want to transfer to Windows:

- get command transfers nc.exe from Linux to Windows:

- The transfer is successful: